2021 Annual Membership Drive


The Columbia Economic Development Corporation Annual Membership Drive is now underway. Keith Lutz, President of CEDC stated that “Businesses and organizations can assist us in promoting economic vitality in the Columbia area with their membership dues, thereby helping us to provide a positive and stable climate for business and improving the quality of life for our citizens.”

The CEDC was created in 2005 to manage and direct state loans and funds for the Turkey Hill Experience project, located at Third and Linden Streets. As a not-for-profit corporation, CEDC strives to create an atmosphere that nourishes planned business growth and family sustainable employment opportunities and has a proven track record of success. Lutz further stated, “We do not charge for our services, and we are not funded by any government sources. We depend on fundraising and grants for support. All funds are used to work with investors and implement the current economic development strategic plan and initiatives in Columbia Borough.”

Other success that CEDC has experienced over the years was the competition of the 225’x23’ River Trail Mural Wall, located along Front Street near Walnut Street, which depicts and highlights river life, the North West River Trail, and railroad activity in the borough in earlier times. The corporation also served as the conduit for the owners of cottages along the Susquehanna River in their effort to purchase this land from the Safe Harbor Dam Company. Another success was the purchasing of the Hotel Locust in 2015, to secure the property as an anchor for the downtown business district. The property was later sold to a developer in December 2019.

The dues schedule for 2021 membership is as follows:

Platinum $200

Gold $100

Silver $75

Bronze $50

Checks should be made payable to Columbia Economic Development Corporation and mailed to PO Box 88, Columbia, PA 17512.

Following is the “Year in Review” as reported by Lutz at the Annual Meeting on November 12, 2020.